Google update feature img Ayraxs Technologies

Google Algorithm Update for Search Ranking [28th October]

Tayyab Javed


Numerous SEOs reported a suspected Google search ranking algorithm change on or around October 28. Sites impacted by the unsubstantiated October 13ish update and the October spam update are seeing wild fluctuations in Google ranks and visitors.

Glenn Gabe provided figures on Twitter showing how significant publishers in the U.K. and abroad had substantial fluctuations on October 28 after being impacted by upgrades. Check out these graphs:

Let’s have a look at the tools!

Rank Ranger demonstrated higher mobile instability amongst all other tools on the date 28th of October.

rankranger 1667218993 Ayraxs Technologies


Mozcast was one of the pretty warms.

mozcast 1667218894 Ayraxs Technologies


Semrush Sensor noted that switching it to only UK results didn’t make it any more erratic but did indicate a slight bump on that date:

t semrush 1667218940 Ayraxs Technologies


SERPmetrics show up a glitch.

t serpmetrics 1667219083 Ayraxs Technologies


Algoroo was not disturbed

t algoroo 1667219118 Ayraxs Technologies


Advanced Web Rankings spiked up a bit on the 28th but not huge:

t advancedwebranking 1667219170 Ayraxs Technologies


Accuranker was also not disturbed on 28th October:

t accuranker 1667219199 Ayraxs Technologies

SERP Volatility Results After The Updateย 

Hereโ€™s the snippet of the Semrush Sensor in which the Winner/Losers categories are showing:

SEM sensor video final Ayraxs Technologies

Read Also: Why & How Search Engine Marketing Is Important?

Tayyab Javed

Chief Executive Officer | WE ARE BUILDING FUTURE | Ai | Blockchain | SaaS Innovation Specialist

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